# Hotfolder Scripting

Hot folders automation includes an optional scripting interface, providing an unprecedented amount of customization during automation. Scripting is done in the popular JavaScript language.

There are several uses for scripting in hot folders. Below are some of the more common examples:

  • Support input files with formats other than the standard Resources XML format described in this document. For example, another XML format, CSV spreadsheet, or other text-based format containing information about the job to be automated.
  • Waiting for a certain number of input files to come into the hot folder or a certain duration before performing actions.
  • Analyzing the results of ganging tools to remove layouts that do not meet certain criteria such as sheet usage or waste and moving products from these layouts back into the input file to be ganged with more incoming files.
  • Customized notification when a job has succeeded or failed. Provided utility methods in the scripting environment make it easy to send email alerts or record error details in local files.
  • Convert image files to PDFs or breaking up large PDFs into tiles using the PDFUtils utility methods.

# Scripting Hooks

Hot folder scripting has three entry points that you can implement to add custom behavior to hot folders: onStart(), onSuccess(), and onFail(). All three functions are optional, but at least one of these functions needs to be implemented in a script when it is loaded into a hot folder.

# onStart()

Description: Initial hook when a file comes into the hot folder. This function is called before any actions are processed to convert the incoming file into a list of resource objects needed by the actions in the hot folder, perform tiling or image to PDF conversion, delay processing based on a custom trigger event, and more. Trigger Event: Called when a file comes into the hot folder with file extension matching the file-type attribute in <phoenix-actions> element, or .xml if file-type is not specified. Arguments:

  • state (FolderState): Hot folder state
  • inputs (InputFile List): List of InputFiles
  • Return Type: A JavaScript array of resource objects needed by actions. These are the same resource objects that are normally represented in Resources XML files. Note: As mentioned in the Actions XML Format section, by default hot folders watch for files with the .xml extension. If the file format you are processing in onStart() does not have a .xml extension you need to specify the expected extension in the Actions XML file in the <phoenix-actions> element attribute called "file-type". For example, if the incoming file in the hot folder is a CSV file with extension .csv, the Actions XML needs to specify the csv extension:
<phoenix-actions version="1.0" file-type="csv">

# onSuccess()

Description: Hook called when all actions in the hot folder have completed successfully. This hook is useful for sending notification emails, adding custom logging, moving per-layout export files into folders organized by presses/stocks, moving products in sub-par layouts back into the input folder, and more. Trigger Event: All actions in the hot folder have completed successfully for a given task. Arguments:

  • state (FolderState) – Hot folder state (see section 3.5.2)
  • inputs (InputFile List) -List of InputFiles (see section 3.5.3)
  • job (JobEntity) – Job object representing detailed information about the job that completed. Job entity format is the same as the JSON job report. You can find the formal schema definition in this guide under the Schemas folder. Return Type: None

# onFail()

Description: Hook called when an error occurred during hot folder processing. This hook is useful for sending notification emails or recording the event by other means. Trigger Event: An error occurred during processing for a given task. Arguments:

  • state (FolderState) – Hot folder state (see section 6.2)
  • inputs (InputFile List) -List of InputFiles (see section 6.3)
  • report (ErrorReport) – Error report listing errors and warnings that occurred during task processing. Error Report format formal schema definition in this guide under the Schemas folder. Return Type: None

# Classes

# FolderState Class

Method Description Arguments Return Type
getName() Returns the HotFolder name None Hotfolder name as a String
getTaskId () Method for getting the task ID. Task IDs are automatically generated unique IDs used for tracking and logging. None Task Id as a string
getOutputFolder() Method for getting the output folder None Configured output folder path as a string
getData() Method for retrieving values from the data store for this hot folder. Data store can be used in scripting to record state across scripting hook calls key (String) – the key for the desired value Data value as a string
setData() Method for recording values in the data store key (String) – the key to associate with the value

value (String) - value being added to the map
removeData() Method for removing values from the data store key (String) – the key for the value being removed None
debug() Method for adding a debug message to this hot folder's logs. Log messages will appear in Hot Folder View. message (String) – message to be added None
info() Method for adding a info message to this hot folder's logs message (String) – message to be added None
error() Method for adding a error message to this hot folder's logs message (String) – message to be added None

# InputFile Class

Input file class representing a single input file in a hot folder

Method Description Arguments Return Type
isProcessed() Method returning whether the file was processed None Boolean. Returns true if the file has been processed
getName() Method gets file name None File name as a String
getPath() Method gets file path None File path as a String
getLastModified() Method gets time stamp of when the file arrived in the input folder None Long (Time Stamp)
moveToProcessed() Method to move an input file to the processed state and corresponding processed folder None Boolean, returns true if file is successfully moved
moveToErrors() Method to move file to Errors Folder None Boolean, returns true if file is successfully moved
moveToInput() Method to move file to Input Folder None Boolean, returns true if file is successfully moved

# Mail Class

Method Description Arguments Return Type
getHostname() Gets the Hostname None Hostname as a string
setHostname() Sets the Hostname hostname (String) None
getSmtpPort() Gets the SMTP port number None SMTP port number as a string
setSmtpPort() Sets the SMTP port number number (Int) – SMTP port number None
setAuthentication() Sets the username and password for authentication username (String)

password (String)
setFrom() Sets the from address address (String) – From address None
setSubject() Sets the email subject subject (String) None
setMessage() Sets the email message text message (String) None
addTo() Adds a recipient address address (String) None
addCc() Adds a Cc address address (String) None
addBcc() Adds a Bcc address address (String) None
send() Sends the email None None
setUseTls() Sets the use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) useTls (Boolean) None
setUseSsl() Sets the use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) useSsl (Boolean) None
getSslSmtpPort() Gets the SSL SMTP port number None SSL SMTP port number as a string
setSslSmtpPort() Sets the SSL SMTP port number Number (Int) – SSL SMTP port number None
addHeader() Adds a header to the email name (String) – Header name

value (String) – Header value

# Document Class

Document class representing a PDF document

Method Description Arguments Return Type
pageCount() The page count of the document None Number – The number of pages in the document
page() Page in the document pageNumber (Number) – page number to return Page class – Page for the page number specified
pages() Pages in the document None Array of pages
save(String path) Save the document Path (String) – Path to save document to None
close() Close the document None None

# Page Class

Page class representing a page of PDF document

Method Description Arguments Return Type
getMediaBox() Gets the mediaBox Rect of the PDF page None Rect
setMediaBox() Sets the mediaBox Rect on the PDF page mediaBox (Rect) None
getCropBox() Gets the cropBox Rect of the PDF page None Rect
setCropBox() Sets the cropBox Rect on the PDF page cropBox (Rect) None
getTrimBox() Gets the trimBox Rect of the PDF page None Rect
setTrimBox() Sets the trimBox Rect on the PDF page trimBox (Rect) None
getBleedBox() Gets the bleedBox Rect of the PDF page None Rect
setBleedBox() Sets the bleedBox Rect on the PDF page bleedBox (Rect) None
getArtBox() Gets the artBox Rect of the PDF page None Rect
setArtBox() Sets the artBox Rect on the PDF page artBox (Rect) None

# Rect Class

Input file class representing a single input file in a hot folder

Method Description Arguments Return Type
getX() Returns the x value of the Rect position None Double
setX() Sets the x value of the Rect position x (Double) None
getY() Returns the y value of the Rect position None Double
setY() Sets the y value of the Rect position y (Double) None
getWidth() Returns the width of the Rect None Double
setWidth() Sets the width of the Rect width (Double) None
getHeight() Returns the height of the Rect None Double
setHeight() Sets the height of the Rect height (Double) None

# Utility Classes

Several utility classes are provided within the scripting environment for moving and parsing files, working work PDFs, sending email notifications and more.

# JobUtils

Method Description Arguments Return Type
open() Opens a Phoenix job (PHX) at the given path and returns the full Job entity for that job path (String) – File path Job Entity object representing opened job or thrown exception on failure
artworkFiles() Opens a Phoenix job (PHX) at the given path and returns all original artwork file paths referenced in the job path (String) – File path Array (String) of artwork files path

# FileUtils

Method Description Arguments Return Type
tempPath() Returns the standard system temporary directory File directory as a string
tempFile() Creates a temporary file and returns the full path File path as a string
mkDir() Create a new local directory with the given path Path (String) File path Boolean returns true if directory was successfully created
filename() Retrieves the file name path (String) – File path File name as string excluding parent folders
basename() Retrieves the base file name path (String) – File path Base file name as string
directory() Retrieves the file's directory path (String) – File path File directory as a string excluding file name
isDirectory() Check if path is a directory path (String) – File Path Boolean returns true if path is a directory
isFile() Check if path is a file path (String) – File Path Boolean returns true if path is a File
copyFile() Copies file from 'source' to 'destination' source (String) – The source file

destination (String) – The destination of the file being copied
Boolean, returns true on successful copy
moveFile() Moves 'source' file to 'destination' source (String) – The source file

destination (String) – The destination of the file
Boolean, returns true on successful move
concat() Appends the file name to the base path base path (String)

filename (String)
Returns combined base path and file name as a string
text() Extracts all text from a file into a single string path (String) – File path

encoding (String) – Optional text encoding, defaults to UTF-8 if omitted
file text as a string
lines() Extracts all text from a file into a list of strings for each line in the file path (String) – File path

encoding (String) – Optional text encoding, defaults to UTF-8 if omitted
File text as a list of strings
files() Lists all files of given types in the specified directory directory (String) – Directory to search in

extensions (String) – Optional extension of file types to include, defaults to all file types

recurse (Boolean) – Optional search for files recursively in sub-folders
List of file paths
csv() Generates a list of string arrays from a CSV file's values with each array representing a row of the CSV file path (String) – Path of CSV file CSV values as a list of arrays of string cell values
xml() Reads an XML file into a DOM object path (String) – Path of XML file DOM Object
find() Retrieves file with 'filename' in given 'directory' searching recursively into child directories directory (String) – File directory

filename (String) – File name
Absolute path of the file as a string
delete() Deletes a file path (String) – Path of file to be deleted None

# MailUtils

Method Description Arguments Return Type
create() Creates a new email hostname (String) – Server host name

port (Int) – Port number (optional), defaults to 25
Mail Object

# PDFUtils

Method Description Arguments Return Type
Open() Opens a PDF document path (String) – Path to the PDF document Document
createFromImage() Create PDF document from an image path (String) – Image file path Document
createFromImage() Create PDF document from an image path (String) – Image file path

width (String) – Document width in points

height (String) - Document height in points
createTiles() Create tiled PDF document path (String) – Path of Document to be tiled

rects (Rects List) – Tile rects

bleed (String) – Tile bleed
createTiles() Create tiled PDF document document (String) –Document to be tiled

rects (Rects List) – Tile rects

bleed (String) – Tile bleed
impose() Impose a multi-page artwork file using a given folding pattern and binding method, saving the resulting PDF file to a given output path with option to separate cover artwork (String) – Input artwork file

foldingPattern (String) – Name of folding pattern in Folding library to use while imposing artwork pages

bindingMethod (String) – Name of binding method being used

pageMargins (Margins) – Sheet margins to add

faceTrim (String) – Amount of face trim

headTrim (String) – Amount of head trim

footTrim (String) – Amount of foot trim

spineSize (String) – Size of book spine

separateCover (String) – If set to "true" exports the cover pages of the artwork to a separate file with "-cover" postfix added to output path

output (String) – Output path to save imposed PDF to
saveSubSet() Opens a PDF file at inputPath and saves all the pages between startPage and endPart inclusively to an outputPath as a new PDF path (String)- Path of Document

Name (String) Output name

Start(Int) start page

End(Int) end page

# GeomUtils

Method Description Arguments Return Type
rect() Creates new Rect None Rect
rect() Creates a Rect at position (x,y) of dimensions ('width' X 'height') x (Double) – x value of the Rect

y (Double) – y value of the Rect

width (Double) – Rect width

height (Double) – Rect height

# Example Hotfolder Scripts

Below you'll find some example scripts and snippets to help you understand how scripting works, as well as help with some common scripting needs

# Find a product's custom property

You can access a product's default properties fairly simply, by using product.index or product.name. If you want to access a custom property, however, they are stored in a properties list inside of the product. An easy way to find your property is to loop through the custom properties and return the value if the property name matches the one you're looking for:

// Grab first product to find product properties
// required for file naming. Could place this in 
// a loop to look through all products

var product = job.products.get(0);

// Loop through all of this product's properties, 
// saving StoreNum property values
for (var i=0; i<product.properties.size(); i++) {
    var property = product.properties.get(i);

    if (property.name == "StoreNum"){
        var store = property.value;
Last Updated: 6/8/2021, 10:54:28 AM