Dynamic keywords are special text strings that are replaced with properties in artwork, layout, job, date, or time. Keywords can be used in marks to create dynamic text marks.
Below is a list of all keywords available in tilia Aries:
<artwork.height> - The height of the current artwork item.
<artwork.name> - The name of the current artwork item.
<artwork.number> - The number of the current artwork item.
<artwork.page-count> - The total number of pages of the artwork file the current artwork item came from.
<artwork.page-number> - The page number of the artwork file the current artwork item came from.
<artwork.path> - The filesystem path of the artwork file the current artwork item came from.
<artwork.width> - The width of the current artwork item.
<date.iso> - The current date in ISO 8601 format. Example: 2019-03-26
<date.long> - The current date in long format. Example: March 26, 2019
<date.medium> - The current date in medium format. Example: Mar 26, 2016
<date.short> - The current date in short format. Example: 3/26/2019
<job.client> - The Client Name of the current job as defined in Job Properties.
<job.contact> - The Contact Name of the current job as defined in Job Properties.
<job.id> - The Job ID of the current job as defined in Job Properties.
<job.name> - The Job Name of the current job as defined in Job Properties.
<job.notes> - The Notes of the current job as defined in Job Properties.
<layout.dimensions> - The width and height of the current layout. Example: 800 x 1200 mm
<layout.index> - The index number of this layout. Numbering starts at 1.
<layout.name> - The name of this layout
<layout.placed> - The number of artwork items placed on this layout
<layout.substrate> - The name of the substrate being used in the current layout
<layout.waste> - The percentage of waste on the current layout
<time.iso> - The current time in ISO 8601 format. Example: 21:30:49
<time.long> - The current time in long format. Example: 11:30:49 PM EST
<time.medium> - The current time in medium format. Example: 11:30:49 PM
<time.short> - The current time in short format. Example: 11:30 PM