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# Artwork

keyword description
.artwork.creator> Software used to create the artwork
Example: Adobe Illustrator CC 2015.3 (Macintosh)
.artwork.format> Artwork file type
Example: PDF
.artwork.page-count> Number of total pages in the artwork file
.artwork.page-number> Page number of the artwork
.artwork.pages> Number of total pages in the artwork file
.artwork.path> Artwork file path
.artwork.pdf-version> Artwork PDF version
.artwork.pdfx-profile> PDF/X Profile, if one exists
.artwork.pdfx-version> PDF/X Version, if one exists
.artwork.producer> PDF producer
Example: Adobe PDF library 15.00
.artwork.title> Title of artwork from PDF

# All keywords involving artwork:

Last Updated: 2/16/2022, 11:54:03 PM