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# Bounds

keyword description
.bounds.height> The total height of the items on the current surface
.bounds.width> The total width of the items on the current surface
.bounds.x> The X-coordinate of the bounds of items on the current surface
.bounds.y> The Y-coordinate of the bounds of items on the current surface

Custom Units

These keywords are available with custom modifiers to return a specific unit of measurement! Simply add one of the following modifiers:

modifier description
.cm> Measurement in centimeters
.ft> Measurement in feet
.in> Measurement in inches
.m> Measurement in meters
.mil> Measurement in mils, also known as “thousandths" or "thou"
.mm> Measurement in millimeters
.pt> Measurement in points
.um> Measurement in meters

# All keywords involving bounds:

Last Updated: 2/16/2022, 11:54:03 PM