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# Project

keyword description
<project.bleed-splitting> The type of Bleed Splitting chosen for the project.
One of Rectangular, Signatures, or None
<project.client> Client Name property value in the project
<project.contact> Contact Name property value in the project
<project.cost> Total stock costs across all layouts in the project
<project.cost-die> The die cost of the project
<project.cost-plate> The cost of plates in the project
<project.cost-press> The total cost of presses in the project
<project.cost-stock> Total stock costs across all layouts in the project
<project.creator-os> Computer OS version used to create this project
.project.custom. Custom keyword based on a user-defined custom property. For more on custom properties, see Custom Properties
<project.filename> File name of this PHX project the last time it was saved excluding path information.
Example: LD-12532.phx
<project.filepath> File name of this PHX project the last time it was saved including full path information.
Example: /projects/labels/LD-12532.phx
<project.id> Project ID property value in the project
<project.last-saved> Timestamp of last time the current project was saved
<project.layout-count> Number of layouts in the project
<project.name> Project Name property in the project defined independently of the current filename used to save the project (PHX).
<project.notes> Notes property in the project
<project.overrun> Average percentage of overruns across all products in the project
<project.phoenix-version> Version of Phoenix this project was last saved from
<project.phone> Contact Phone property value in the project
<project.press-time> Total press time across the entire project
<project.product. See product
<project.run-length> Total sum of all layout run lengths in the project
<project.sourcetemplate> Full path of project template current project was created from. If project was not created from a template, value is empty
<project.time> The total time required to produce the project
<project.underrun> Average percentage of underruns across all products in the project
<project.units> Current units being used in the project
<project.usage> Average sheet usage percentage across all layouts in the project
<project.waste> Percentage of total waste in the project

# All keywords involving project:

Last Updated: 2/16/2022, 11:54:03 PM